Dr. Jamilla Rajab

Position: Mentor
Categories: Mentor

Dr Rajab is Consultant Haematopathologist and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Human Pathology , Unit of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, School of Medicine , University of Nairobi, Kenya and also Consultant Haematologist at the Kenyatta National Teaching and Refferal Hospital , Nairobi, Kenya.

A graduate of Alliance Girls High School and University of Nairobi, she has over 25 years experience in clinical haematology, paediatric oncology and haematopathology practice and and as Senior Lecturer over 20 years experience in training pre-service and in- service health professionals in Haematology and Blood transfusion and Laboratory Medicine.

Dr. Rajab is also a public Health specialist with depth knowledge of the Health Systems of Kenya and disease epidemiology especially of haematological disorders and childhood cancers. She has experience in community based health care through research and interventional based programs especially in promotive and preventive healthcare. She has gained experience in design and implementation of programs through working with stake holders such as Ministry of Health(MOH), National Institute Of Health (NIH), World Health Organization(WHO) and African Medical Research Foundation(AMREF) and US Centre for Disease Control (CDC ).

She has carried out research and published in Haematology and Blood transfusion, Childhood cancer and Laboratory medicine and been part of consortiums that have received research and project grants from various organizations such as PEPFAR, NIH, Grand Challenges Canada, My Child Matters, Kenya Belgium VLIR project and Abbot GmbH Co. KG Diagnostic Germany among others. She was awarded the Roche Pharma Award for the best Masters Dissertation in oncology in 1990. She has co-authored chapters in several books and sits on several technical working groups of the Ministry of Health.

Dr. Rajab is a mother of three adult children, two sons and a daughter, enjoys physical fitness, African and Latin dance, vegetable farming and hopes to one day learn deep sea diving.


McLigeyo, A., Rajab, J., Oyiro, P., Ezzi, M., Bett, Y., Ong’ondi, M., Odhiambo, A., Mwanzi, S. and Othieno-Abinya, N., 2022. Baseline blood count levels increase odds of cytopenia among CML patients in Kenya: a case control study. BMC cancer22(1), pp.1-7.

Owusu-Ofori, S., Sekongo, Y.M., Rajab, J.A., Asamoah-Akuoko, L., Magutu, V., Bah, A., Lamotte, M. and Dierick, K., 2021. Health Economic Value of Blood in Kenya, Ghana and Ivory Coast: The Case of Maternal Bleeding. Africa Sanguine23(1), pp.1-13.

Barasa, A., Ahmed, I., Rajab, J. and Walong, E., 2021. Persistent oral candidiasis and disseminated BCGosis as manifestations of a possible inborn error of immunity. Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology34(1), pp.48-50.

Sayed, S., Mutasa, R., Kaaya, E., Mudenda, V., Rajiv, E., Vuhahula, E., Rajab, J., Lukande, R., Walong, E., Mutuku, A. and Fleming, K., 2020. Establishing the College of Pathologists of East, Central and Southern Africa-The Regional East Central and Southern Africa College of Pathology. African Journal of Laboratory Medicine9(1), pp.1-8.

McLigeyo, A., Rajab, J., Ezzi, M., Oyiro, P., Bett, Y., Odhiambo, A., Ong’ondi, M., Mwanzi, S., Gatua, M. and Abinya, N., 2020. Cytopenia among CML Patients on Imatinib in Kenya: Types, Grades, and Time Course. Advances in Hematology2020.

Magutu, V., Rajab, J.A., Asamoah-Akuoko, L., Lamotte, M., Bah, A. and Dierick, K., 2019. PNS184 THE VALUE OF BLOOD IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Value in Health22, p.S792.