Quynh-Uyen P. Nguyen, M.D.

Position: Mentor
Categories: Mentor

Dr. Quynh is an ABP board-certified physician in both pediatric critical care and general pediatrics. She works as an independent contractor in pediatric intensive care units as well as pediatric wards. She have over 10 years of research experience in injury prevention and preventative services and continues to work in hospital process improvement projects.


von Saint Andre-von Arnim, A., Kumar, R.K., Clark, J.D., Wilfond, B.S., Nguyen, Q.U.P., Mutonga, D.M., Zimmerman, J.J., Oron, A.P. and Walson, J.L., 2022. Family-Assisted Severity of Illness Monitoring for Hospitalized Children in Low-Resource Settings—A Two-Arm Interventional Feasibility Study. Frontiers in Pediatrics10, p.804346.

Nguyen, Q.U.P., Saynina, O., Pirrotta, E.A., Huffman, L.C. and Wang, N.E., 2021. A retrospective observational cohort study: Epidemiology and outcomes of pediatric unintentional falls in US emergency departments. Injury52(8), pp.2244-2250.

von Saint Andre-von Arnim, A., Kumar, R.K., Clark, J.D., Wilfond, B.S., Nguyen, Q.U.P., Mutonga, D.M., Zimmerman, J.J., Oron, A.P. and Walson, J.L., 2022. Family-Assisted Severity of Illness Monitoring for Hospitalized Children in Low-Resource Settings—A Two-Arm Interventional Feasibility Study. Frontiers in Pediatrics10, p.804346.

Nguyen, Q.U.P., Flynn, N., Kitua, M., Muthumbi, E.M., Mutonga, D.M., Rajab, J. and Miller, E., 2016. The health care sector response to intimate partner violence in Kenya: exploring health care providers’ perceptions of care for victims. Violence and victims31(5), pp.888-900.